# Attributes Form Layout

Collecting and editing data in the field can be more efficient with forms that are easy to navigate. QGIS offers a lot of options for improving the layout of your forms, such as using groups and tabs to keep related fields together, displaying or hiding a group of fields based on conditional visibility, or displaying tips and instructions in the forms.

# QGIS Drag and Drop Designer

By default, the form is automatically generated and contains all the fields in the layer. However, you might want to change the order of the fields. Also, there may be some fields that do not need to be displayed during the survey, such as fields with default values that are calculated from the geometry.

QGIS Drag and Drop designer is an easy tool for defining the form layouts:

  1. Open your Mergin Maps project in QGIS

  2. Right-click on a layer and select Properties

  3. Navigate to the Attributes form tab. Here, switch to Drag and Drop Designer

  4. Fields can be added and removed from the Form Layout. The order of the fields can be changed by simply dragging them higher or lower in the list.

    Only fields that are in the Form layout will appear in the form.

  5. Click OK to confirm your changes.

QGIS drag and drop form designer

# Tabs and groups

Using QGIS Drag and Drop designer, fields can be arranged into groups and tabs.

Example project available

To see an example of tabs and groups, you can clone Mergin Maps Project documentation/form_setup documentation/form_setup (opens new window).

  1. Click on the + button to add new group or a tab to the form layout
    QGIS Drag and drop designer add new group or tab

  2. Choose the container type, add a label, and if needed, the number of columns.

    A group can be placed within a tab or another group.
    QGIS form Add tab
    QGIS form Add group

  3. Drag and drop fields to tabs or groups as needed.

Here we have two tabs, Data and Changelog. The Data tab contains two groups: roads and paths.
QGIS form with tabs and groups

The form with tabs and groups will appear in QGIS like this:
QGIS form layout with tabs and groups

And this is how the same form looks like in the mobile app:
Mergin Maps mobile form with tabs and groups

# Show and hide fields depending on a field value (conditional visibility)

Conditional visibility can be applied to groups and tabs, meaning they will be displayed or hidden depending on the value of a field.

Example project available

You can explore this functionality in Mergin Maps Project documentation/form_setup documentation/form_setup (opens new window).

Here we will use a line layer named roads and paths. It is designed for surveying both roads and paths and most of the fields are relevant for every type of feature in this layer. However, there are some attributes that are specific for roads (e.g. the number of lanes) or for paths (e.g. the visibility of the path).

The form uses the value of the type field to display the relevant set of attributes. The type field is set up as value map with defined values road and path.

QGIS form value map

To set the visibility of groups in the attributes form:

  1. Click on the roads group in the Form Layout
  2. Check the Control Visibility by Expression option ✔️
  3. Define the expression. Here we use: "type" = "road"

QGIS form control visibility by expression

  1. Same steps are used for the path group using the expression "type" = "path"

In the mobile app, the form displays these groups only when the condition is met. So, there are different sets of attributes depending on the value that is entered in the type field.

Show fields depending on a field value in the mobile app

# Display instructions in the form using Text and HTML widget

Sometimes, you may want to include instructions or tips for surveyors in your forms. QGIS Documentation QGIS (opens new window) offers Text and HTML widgets that can be used for this purpose. Your text instructions can include expressions and field values as well. The HTML widget supports various HTML tags (opens new window), so it can be also used, for instance, to display online images.

These widgets can be found in Available Widgets in the Other Widgets section when using the Drag and Drop Designer.
QGIS HTML and Text Widget

To configure the Text widget, enter the text you want to display in the form. On the right, you will see the preview.
QGIS Text widget configuration

If you prefer your text to be formatted, you may do so in the HTML widget. HTML widget supports these HTML tags (opens new window).
QGIS HTML widget configuration

...and this is how the Text and HTML widgets look like in the form in QGIS (left) and in the mobile app (right).
Text and HTML widgets in QGIS and in Mergin Maps mobile app

# Using expressions in Text and HTML widgets

Expressions and variables can be used both in the Text and the HTML widget.

QGIS Configure Text Widget Expression Builder


Clone Mergin Maps Project documentation/form_cascade documentation/form_cascade (opens new window) to follow this example.

  1. When configuring the Text or HTML widget, click on the Expression Builder button

  2. Enter the expression that will be used in your text and click OK.

    Field values can be selected from the Fields and Values list. There are other variables and expressions that can be used.

  3. Click on the + button to add the expression to the text.

    Here, we configured the widget with this text:
    Make sure the number plate [% "VRP" %] is visible in the photo.

    In this case, VRP is the name of a field aliased as Vehicle Registration Plate in the form.

  4. Save and synchronise your project.

... and this is how it works during the field survey. [% "VRP" %] expression displays the current value of the Vehicle Registration Plate field.
Mergin Maps mobile app text widget with variable

# Using HTML widget to display online images and other online resources

The HTML widget can be also used to display online images in the mobile app or open online resources, such as PDF files, videos or websites, in the browser of your device.

Here are HTML samples you can use to configure the HTML widget. Your form should contain a text field for storing the full URL link (here: link).

To use these samples, replace link by the name of the appropriate field in your layer.

  • show image in the form
<script>document.write(expression.evaluate("'<a href=\"'||attribute( @feature, 'link' )||'\"><img src=\"'||attribute( @feature, 'link' )||'\" width=300></a>'"));</script>
  • display a text (here is your link) with a link that can be opened in a browser
<script>document.write(expression.evaluate("'<a href=\"'||attribute( @feature, 'link' )||'\">here is your link</a>'"));</script>

Make sure that the HTML widget works before taking it to the field by testing it in the mobile app. It should look something like this:

HTML widget in QGIS and in Mergin Maps mobile app

Image preview in QGIS 3.36+

QGIS may not display the preview of the online image if you use QGIS 3.36 or higher. Despite this behaviour, the mobile app displays it correctly. Therefore we recommend trying the setup by opening the form in the mobile app to make sure it works as intended.

# Using HTML widget to open local files

The HTML widget can also be used to open local files: for instance, a locally stored PDF file can be opened from within the form during the survey.

  • A PDF file named my-pdf.pdf is stored in the main project folder as it needs to be packaged with the project.
  • The HTML Widget is added to the Attributes Form and configured as follows:
    <a href="project://my-pdf.pdf">Open File</a>

QGIS attributes form open local file using HTML widget

In the mobile app, you can tap the Open File link to open the PDF file using the default application of your device.

Open a local PDF file in Mergin Maps mobile app

Open local files using default values

Local files can be displayed in the form also using default values.

In the Mergin Maps Project documentation/forms-display-images-and-files documentation/forms-display-images-and-files (opens new window) project, you can explore and compare both alternatives.

# Spacer widget

since QGIS 3.30

The Spacer widget can be useful if you want to have some space between the fields in your form or add a horizontal line.

It can be found in Available Widgets in the Other Widgets section when using the Drag and Drop Designer.
QGIS forms Spacer Widget

When adding the spacer widget to the form, there is an option to check the Draw horizontal line option. Otherwise, a vertical space will be added to the form.
QGIS Spacer Widget configuration

And this how the spacer widget looks like in the form in QGIS (left) and in the mobile app (right).
Spacer widget in QGIS and mobile app form