How to Share, Transfer or Delete Projects
Share projects and manage user access
You can share your Mergin Maps project with others by inviting them to be a member or a guest in your workspace. You can also make your Mergin Maps project accessible to everyone by making it public.
When granting access to workspaces and projects, it is important to set appropriate permissions to your team members to avoid unwanted modifications of projects.
You can follow our Working collaboratively tutorial to see detailed instructions on how to share your project by inviting a user to your workspace as a guest or by sharing a link to your project with your teammates.
Add users to a workspace
If you want to share all projects in your workspace with a group of users, you can invite them to become members or guests of a workspace.
You have to be the admin or owner of the workspace to manage access to the workspace. See Member Roles and Permissions for more details.
To add users to a workspace:
Log into
Go to the Members tab in the left panel and click on Invite
In the form, enter the email addresses of people you want to invite and choose their workspace role from the list.
- If you want to grant them access to all projects in the workspace, select one of the member roles (Reader, Writer, Admin or Owner).
- If you only want to invite them to some projects, select the Guest option and specify which projects should be shared with them.
Click on the Invite button to send an invitation.
An email with a link will be sent to the recipients. If they already have a Mergin Maps account, they will also get a notification through the dashboard.
After accepting the invitation, the invited users will become members or guests of your workspace.
Add users to a project
Users can be invited to a specific project. Users with access to only some projects in the workspace are workspace guests.
Log into
In the Projects tab, select the project you want to manage and navigate to Collaborators.
Click on the Share button.
Enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite and select their Project permission.
Click Share to send the invitation.
After accepting the invitation, the invited users will become guests in your workspace and will have access to this project.
Send a link to your project
Another method that is suitable for sharing a project with a large number of users is to send them a link to your project, such as sarah/Basic survey/tree.
- Log into
- Go to the project you want to share
- Copy the link from your web browser and share it with your colleagues
If you send a link to a private project, users can request access after logging into the dashboard.
Once the user requests access, you (or another project owner) can grant them appropriate permissions and accept (or decline) their request.
Make your project public/private
Your projects are private by default. If you make it public, everyone can see your data and project history. However, they cannot contribute to your public project unless you grant them the write permission.
- Log into
- Go to the project you want to make public
- In the Settings tab, click on Make public
If you change your mind, you can make your project private by clicking Make private.
Transfer a project
A Mergin Maps project can be transferred to another workspace. This can be useful when there are personal changes in your team or if you have multiple workspaces and want to manage the storage between them.
Make sure to correctly synchronise all changes from your collaborators and devices. If you fail to do that, their local changes will be lost!
After synchronisation, all collaborators have to remove the project from their devices
Log in to and choose the project you want to transfer
Go to Settings and click on Transfer project
Enter the name of the workspace to which the project should be transferred and click on Request transfer
The owner of the new workspace will be notified and will be able to accept or deny the request through the dashboard.
The request is valid for 6 days. If the request is not accepted after this period, the project will remain in the original workspace.
If the same team wants to continue contributing to the project, they need to download the transferred project from the new workspace.
Delete a project
If you want to delete a project, you can do so through or using the Mergin Maps QGIS plugin.
After deleting a project, it is kept on Mergin Maps servers for 14 days before it is deleted permanently. During this period, it can be restored if you contact
If you want to create a new project with the same name sooner, you can contact
If you reuse the name of a deleted project, make sure to coordinate your team to follow the steps described in How to Deploy Revised Projects.
To avoid synchronisation issues, everyone should delete the old project from all devices and then download the new project.
Delete a project through
- Log in to and navigate to the project you want to delete
- Go to Settings and click on Delete project
Delete a project using the Mergin Maps QGIS plugin
Using the Mergin Maps QGIS plugin, you can delete a Mergin Maps project either locally on your PC or on the Mergin Maps server. To be able to delete the project on the server, you need to first delete the files locally.
In QGIS, go to the Mergin Maps in the Browser panel
Right-click on the project name and select Remove locally. This will remove the project from your PC. The project will be still available on the Mergin Maps server. You will be able to download the project again.
Right-click on the project name again and select Remove from server option. This will remove the Mergin Maps project completely.