# Configure environment

There are several application settings which can be changed via config variables (opens new window). Some of them have defaults and some of them need to be modified, particularly those with required placeholders (marked with ⭐️ below).

# Server basics

Variables marked with star ⭐️ need to be modified for production use.

Variable name Type Default Description
MERGIN_BASE_URL⭐️ string Deployment URL where Mergin Maps is hosted.
COLLECT_STATISTICS Boolean true Whether to send usage statistics for application improvements.
CONTACT_EMAIL string `` Email contact for application administrator.
SERVICE_ID string Deployment UUID. Auto-generated on the first run.

# Security settings (important for production use)🛡️

Security settings are important for production use.

Variable name Type Default Description
BEARER_TOKEN_EXPIRATION integer 43200 Lifetime of authorisation bearer token in seconds. When expired, users need to log in again.
SECRET_KEY⭐️ string Secret key for authorisation, should be a generated strong string.
SECURITY_EMAIL_SALT⭐️ string Token salt for sending verification email, should be a generated strong string.
SECURITY_BEARER_SALT⭐️ string Bearer token salt for decode web token, should be a generated strong string.
SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT⭐️ string Password salt for hashing, should be a generated strong string.
WTF_CSRF_ENABLED Boolean true Enable CSRF protection. It is strongly recommended to have this on.
WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT integer 86400 Lifetime of CSRF token in seconds. When expired, users need to refresh it.

# Database settings

Mergin Maps uses PostgreSQL database to store its data.

Variable name Type Default Description
DB_APPLICATION_NAME string mergin Comment in database connection string to better identify connection source.
DB_DATABASE ⭐️ string postgres Database to store Mergin Maps tables.
DB_HOST string db Database host. Mapped to docker-compose service name.
DB_PASSWORD ⭐️ string postgres PostgreSQL user password.
DB_PORT integer 5432 Database port. If non-default, it should match the port exposed in the docker-compose file.
DB_POOL_MAX_OVERFLOW integer 10 Database max_overflow limit for SQLAlchemy (opens new window).
DB_POOL_SIZE integer 2 Database pool size for SQLAlchemy. With overflow determines the maximum of concurrent connections to the database.
DB_POOL_TIMEOUT integer 300 Database pool timeout for SQLAlchemy.
DB_USER ⭐️ string postgres PostgreSQL user to connect to Mergin Maps database.

# User management

Settings for managing users.
Enterprise Edition only

Variable name Type Default Description
USER_SELF_REGISTRATION Boolean true Users can register themselves. If disabled, they must be invited or registered by superuser.
ENABLE_SUPERADMIN_ASSIGNMENT Boolean true If set to false, you will not be able to assign super admin role to user from admin panel.

# Permission management

Community Edition only

To ease the process of permission (user) management, you can set the following global variables that apply to all registered users.

Variable name Type Default Description
GLOBAL_ADMIN Boolean false All registered users can create/delete projects.
GLOBAL_READ Boolean false All registered users have read access to all projects. If false, the application admin would need to grant project access to users manually.
GLOBAL_WRITE Boolean false All registered users have write access (can sync) to all projects.

# Sending Emails

​Mergin Maps can connect to a SMTP server to send notifications and password recovery emails.

Variable name Type Default Description
MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND Boolean false Whether to suppress email sending. If set to false, you should define the following variables.
MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER⭐️ string Sender of Mergin Maps emails. Best to have some no-reply address.
MAIL_SERVER⭐️ string localhost SMTP mail server host.
MAIL_PORT⭐️ integer 587 SMTP mail server port.
MAIL_USERNAME string None Username of user connecting to SMTP server.
MAIL_PASSWORD string None Password for user connecting to SMTP server.
MAIL_USE_TLS🛡️ Boolean true Use TLS encryption when connecting to SMTP server.
MAIL_USE_SSL🛡️ Boolean false Whether to use SSL encryption when connecting to SMTP server.
MAIL_BCC string None Email address to send copies of all sent emails. Should be system/application administrator. Mandatory in versions until 2024.4.0.
MERGIN_LOGO_URL string `` Link to logo in emails.

If you have issues with sending emails, follow troubleshooting page.

# Workspace management

Workspace settings.
Community Edition only

Variable name Type Default Description
GLOBAL_WORKSPACE ⭐️ string mergin Common workspace name for all projects. All projects belong to this single workspace with certain permissions. Projects are then referenced with this name as part of URL, e.g. /mergin/projectA, /mergin/projectB.
GLOBAL_STORAGE ⭐️ integer 10737418240 Storage limit Mergin Maps can use to store projects (last version) in bytes (default is 10 GB). Should be reasonably large.
Enterprise Edition only
Variable name Type Default Description
WORKSPACE_STORAGE_SIZE ⭐️ integer 524288000 Storage limit workspace can use to store projects (last version) in bytes (default is 500 MB).
WORKSPACE_INVITATION_EXPIRATION integer 14 Expiration limit for pending invitation in days.
PROJECT_TRANSFER_EXPIRATION integer 7 Expiration limit for pending project transfer in days.
WORKSPACE_EXPIRATION integer 7 Expiration time in days for deleted workspaces before removed completely.
USER_WORKSPACES_ALLOWED Boolean true Allow users to create their own workspaces else it is available for superuser only

# Data synchronisation and management

Other settings related to data management.

Variable name Type Default Description
LOCAL_PROJECTS string ./projects Directory to store projects on a container. Please refer to volume mapping in docker-compose file.
TEMP_DIR string Result of gettempdir() call Trash directory for temp files being cleaned regularly. Please refer to volume mapping in docker-compose file.
MAINTENANCE_FILE string /data/MAINTENANCE File to indicate server is in maintenance - read only mode. Please refer to volume mapping in docker-compose file.
BLACKLIST string .mergin/, .DS_Store, .directory Pattern to ignore when syncing files.
FILE_EXPIRATION integer 172800 When the GeoPackage file was updated with "diffable" change, original data are being removed (as they can be reconstructed on demand) to save disk space. File lifetime in seconds.
LOCKFILE_EXPIRATION integer 300 Time in seconds for a project being locked while updated. If no change happens to the project in such time, the lockfile is removed.
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE integer 10485760 Maximum size of file chunk to be uploaded (and received by server) in bytes.
MAX_DOWNLOAD_ARCHIVE_SIZE integer 1073741824 Maximum size of project zip archive in bytes for direct download. Too large projects may take too long to download or never complete in one request.
USE_X_ACCEL ⭐️ Boolean true Whether to use nginx to serve files. Should be enabled if used with nginx proxy for performance reasons. Read more here (opens new window).
CLOSED_ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION integer 1 Time in days after a user closed their account to all projects and files are permanently deleted. Please note that until the user is removed, the username/email is occupied.
DELETED_PROJECT_EXPIRATION integer 7 Lifetime in days for deleted projects. Expired projects are removed permanently without possibility to restore afterwards.
PROJECT_ACCESS_REQUEST integer 604800 Lifetime of active project access request in seconds.
TEMP_EXPIRATION integer 7 Time in days after files in a temporary folder are permanently deleted.

# Celery asynchronous tasks

​Mergin Maps is using Celery and Redis to perform asynchronous tasks or doing regular jobs.

Variable name Type Default Description
BROKER_URL string redis://merginmaps-redis:6379/0 Connection details to celery message broker. If non-default, it should match definition in docker-compose file.
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND string redis://merginmaps-redis:6379/0 Connection details to celery result back-end broker. If non-default, it should match definition in docker-compose file.