# Install

Installation guide will help you to install your Mergin Maps CE or Mergin Maps EE to the latest server version. The main Cloud Mergin Maps Server is always up-to-date and managed by Mergin Maps team. Read more about server platforms in overview article

# Installation System Requirements

We recommend using a dedicated host machine with 8 GB of memory. The requirements for CPU and persistent storage depend largely on the frequency of project updates and the anticipated size of the data you expect to store respectively.

# Mergin Maps EE Docker Images

Enterprise Edition only

The Mergin Maps CE images are stored on publicly accessible Lutra Consulting's Docker.

Mergin Maps EE images are stored on a private AWS repository. To get access, you need your contract and licence from our sales team.

Afterwards, you can follow this guide to retrieve your Mergin Maps EE images.

# Deployment

Follow these steps to run a local Mergin Maps instance.

# Start docker containers

Provided that docker and docker-compose are installed on your host, running Mergin Maps stack should be as simple as running docker-compose. However, before doing that you would need to configure your server setup via environment variables in .prod.env (opens new window) file.

Once configured, you can run:

$ mkdir -p projects # or wherever you set it to be
$ mkdir -p mergin_db # or wherever you set it to be
$ sudo chown -R  901:999 ./projects/
$ sudo chmod g+s ./projects/
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up


# Initialise database

If server is started for the first time, database needs to be initialised and super-user created. Use the init command which will perform it automatically (the command generates password for the admin account):

$ docker exec merginmaps-server flask init

If you don't have CONTACT_EMAIL variable set, you will be asked to provide a super user email using the -e/--email option. The init will also check your server setup (celery jobs, emails, etc.) and print out a list of missing variables. If you see any errors in the console output, you can run the command again as the database and super user will not be re-initialised.


If you want to create another users manually, you can use the following command:

$ docker exec merginmaps-server flask user create <username> <password> --is-admin --email <email>

# Setup environment

Now tweak deployment settings by modifying environment variables. You have to fix all variables marked as required in this list of environment variables. Some of the most common issues with custom deployments are listed in the troubleshoot section.