# Troubleshoot Custom Servers

This article will help you debug and resolve issues in your Mergin Maps CE or Mergin Maps EE deployment. If you use the main Cloud Mergin Maps Server, it is always up-to-date and managed by Mergin Maps team, so report your problems to us as described here. Read more about server platforms in overview article.

To install your own server, follow our installation guide. Documentation of environment variables and other configuration options can be found in Configure environment.


Haven't found a solution to your issue? Look at your other troubleshooting options.

# Server is not properly configured

Did you get an error that the server is not properly configured?
Mergin Maps CE server not configured error

  1. Check if MERGIN_BASE_URL docker environment variable is assigned correctly.
    MERGIN_BASE_URL should contain the URL of your Mergin Maps CE server.

  2. Restart the container with the MERGIN_BASE_URL variable

# Emails are not sent

If you are not receiving emails, check that the following environment variables are set correctly:

  • MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER needs to be a valid email address
  • MAIL_SERVER should be a valid URL to SMTP server
  • MAIL_PORT SMTP mail server port is set to 587 by default. Change it to the correct value, if you use a different port.
  • MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND should be set to false

In some deployments, there may be SMTP servers that do not support authentication and TLS. In that case, you can disable authentication by not defining variables MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD (which are set to None by default).

If your SMTP server does not support TLS or SSL, you can disable encryption by setting MAIL_USE_TLS and MAIL_USE_SSL to false. However, it is recommended to use authentication and TLS encryption.

Server is sending emails with a celery worker. If you are not receiving emails, check if celery worker is running. Check logs for sending emails in the celery-worker container:

$ docker logs celery-worker

Logs should contain information about sending emails with task mergin.celery.send_email_async with success status:

[2024-12-09 10:37:16,265: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] Task mergin.celery.send_email_async[3e50df69-90c1-49be-b31c-78f1fb417500] succeeded in 0.11469305199989321s: None